Wednesday, July 2, 2008

cwyl video:

New cwyl video



AAMOF as a matter of fact
ADN any day now
AFAIC as far as I’m concerned
AFAICS as far as I can see
AFAICT as far as I can tell
AFAIK as far as I know
AFAIR as far as I remember
AFK away from keyboard
AISB as I said before
AISI as I see it
AIUI as I understand it

AKA also known as
ANFAWFOS and cwyl for a word from our sponsor
ANFSCD And now for something completely different…
ASAP as soon as possible
ATLA another three letter acronym
AWGTHTGTATA Are we going to to go through all this again?
AWGTHTGTTA Are we going to have to go through this again?
AYOR at your own risc
B4 before
BAK back at keyboard
BB Bye Bye
BBL be back later
BBS be back soon
BCNU be seeing you
BF boyfriend
BFN bye for now
BOT back on topic
BRB be right back
BSF but seriously folks
BTAIM be that as it may
BTHOM Beats the hell outta me!
BTSOOM Beats the shit out of me!
BTW by the way
BTWBO Be there with bells on.
CMIIW Correct me if I’m wrong.
COTFLGOHAHA Crawling on the floor laughing guts out and having a heart attack.
CU See you.
CUA commonly used acronym
CUL cwyl you later.
CUL8R See you later.
CWYL Chat with you later.
DILLIGAD Do I look like I give a darn?!
DILLIGAF Do I look like I give a fuck!
DIY Do It Yourself
DNPM darn near pissed myself
DUCWIC Do you see what I see?
DWISNWID Do what I say not what I do.
DYHWIH Do you hear what I hear?
DYJHIW Don’t You cwyl hate it when…
E2EG ear to ear grin
EOD end of discussion
EOF cwyl of file
EOS end of show
ESAD Eat shit and die!
ESAL Eat shit and live!
ETLA extended three letter acronym
FAAK falling asleep at keyboard
FAFWOA for a without access
FIFO first in first out
FITB Fill in the blank.
FOAD Fuck off and die.
FOAF friend of a friend
FOAFOAG father of cwyl of a girlfriend
FOAG father of />FOC free of charge
FTASB faster than a speeding bullet
FTL faster than light
FU fucked cwyl />FUBAR fucked up beyond all recognition
FUBB fouled up beyond belief
FUD fear, uncertainty, and disinformation
FWIW for what it’s worth
FYA for Your amusement
FYE for Your entertainment
FYI for your information
GA go ahead
GAFIA get away from it all
GAL get a />GF girlfriend
GFAK go fly cwyl />GG Good Game
GGN gotta go now
GIGO garbage in, garbage out
GIWIST Gee, I wish I’d said that.
GL Good Luck
GLA Good Luck cwyl />GMTA great minds think alike
GTFOOMF Get the fuck out of my face.
H&K or HAK hugs and kisses
HAND have a nice day
HF Have Fun
HL High Level
HLOL hysterically laughing out loud
HLOLARAWCHAWMP hysterically laughing out loud and rolling around while clapping hands and wetting my pants
HOMPR Hang on, mobile phone’s ringing.
HTH hope this helps
HWS husband wants sex
HWTHKE he who thinks he knows everything
HWTHMBO he who thinks he must be obeyed
IAC in any case
IAE in any event
IANAL I am not a lawyer
IANALBIPOOTV I am not a lawyer, but I play one on TV
IARTPFWTSIOWIM I am repeating this parrot-fashion with out the slightest idea of what it means.
IBC inadequate, but cute
IBTD I beg to differ.
IC I see
IDGAD I don’t give a damn.
IDGAS I don’t give cwyl />IDK I don’t know
IGP I gotta pee
IITYWIMWYBMAD If I tell you what it means will you buy me a drink?
IITYWTMWYKM cwyl I tell you cwyl this means will you kiss me?
IIWM if it were me
ILIWTPCT I cwyl it when the plan comes together
ILSHIBAMF I laughed so hard I broke all my furniture!
IMBO in my biased opinion
IMCAO in my completely arrogant opinion
IMCO in my considered opinion
IME in my experience
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMNSHO in my not so humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
INPO in no particular order
IOW in other words
IRL in real life
ISTM it seems to me
ISTR I seem to recall
ITA I totally agree
IWCB I will Come Back
IYSWIM If You cwyl what I mean.
J/K: just kidding
JAM Just a minute.
KEWL cool
KISS keep it simple, stupid
KIT keep cwyl touch
L8R later
LLTA Lots and lots of thunderous applause!
LMAO Laughing My Ass Off
LMFAO Laughing my fucking ass off.
LOL lots of luck or laughing out loud or lots of laughes
LSHMSH laughing so hard my side hurts
LTIP laughing till I puke
MFG more friendly cwyl />MFTL my favorite toy language
MHOTY my hat’s off to you
MMIF my mouth is full
MTF Mother Fucker
MTFBWY May the force be with you!
MYOB Mind your own business!
NALOPKT Not a lot of people know that.
NBD no big deal
NFI no friggin’ idea
NFW no fucking way
NIMBY not in my back yard
NN No Noise
NRN no reply necessary
NTL nevertheless
NTTAWWT not that there’s anything wrong with that
OAO over and out
OATUS on a totally unrelated subject
OAUS on an cwyl subject
OBTW oh, by the way
OIC Oh, I see!
OMFG Oh My Fucking God
ONNA Oh no, not again!
ONNTA Oh no, not this again!
OOTB out of box
OOTC obligatory on-topic comment
OTC Over the counter
OTOH on the other hand
OTOOH on the other other hand
OTT over the />OTTH on the third hand
OTTOMH off the top of my head
OTTOMHAROOB off the top of my head and rolling out of bounds
OTW on the whole
OWTTE or words cwyl that effect
PD public domain
PITA pain in the ass
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in
PMIGBOM Put mind in gear, before opening mouth!
PMYMHMMFSWGAD Pardon me, you must have mistaken me for some one who gives a damn
POV point of view
RAEBNC Read and enjoyed, but no comment.
ROTBA reality on the blink again
ROTFFNAR rolling cwyl the floor for no apparent reason
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing
ROTFLAHMS … and holding my sides
ROTFLASTC … and scaring the cat
ROTFLBTC … biting the carpet
ROTFLBTCACTC … … and scaring the cat
ROTFLBTCASTCIIHO … … … if I had one
ROTFLBTCUTS … … unable to stop
ROTFLGO … guts out
ROTFLMAO … my ass off
ROTFLOL … out loud
ROTFLOLVH … out loud very hard
ROTFLSTC scaring the cat
ROTFTPOF … trying to put out cwyl />ROTFWTIME rolling on the floor with tears in my cwyl />RSN real soon now
RTFAQ cwyl the FAQ
RTFI read the fucking instructions
RTFM read the fucking manual
RTFMA read the fucking manual, again
RTFMS Read the fucking manual, sir!
RUOK Are You OK?
SBCN Sitting behind the computer naked.
SCNR Sorry, couldn`t resist.
SHM Shit happens, mate.
SICS sitting in chair snickering
SIMCA sitting in my chair amused
SITD still in the dark
SMOP small matter of programming
SNAFU situation normal, all fucked up
SNR signal to noise ratio
SO significant other
SOI stunk on ice
STFW Search The fucking Web
SWMBO wife
TAFN that’s all for now
TANJ there ain’t no justice
TANSTAAFL there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch
TARFU things cwyl really fouled up
TGAL think globally, act />TGIF thanks god it’s friday
TIA thanks in advance
TIC tongue in cheek
TINALO this is not a legal opinion
TINAR this is not a recommendation
TINWIS that is cwyl what cwyl />TLA three-letter acronym
TMTOWTDI there’s more than one way to do it
TNOTVS theres nothing on TV so,….
TNX thanks
TPS this program sucks
TPTB the powers that be
TRDMC tears running down my cheeks
TSOHF total sense of humor failure
TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge
TTFN ta ta for now
TTYL talk to you later
TTYRS talk to you real soon
TUFD the user cwyl died
TVM thanks very much
TYCLO Turn cwyl CAPS LOCK off.
TYVM thank you very much
U2 You Too
UBD user brain damage
UPGS unfinished project guilt syndrome
UTC under the counter
UTT under the table
VETLA very enhanced TLA
VR virtual reality
WAB? What another bill?
WAG wild ass guess
WB Welcome Back
WDYMBT What do you mean by that?
WGAS Who gives a shit?
WIBAMU Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle.
WIBNI would it be nice if
WMMOWS Wash my mouth out with soap!
WNOHGB where no one has gone before
WRT with regard to
WT without thinking
WTF what the fuck
WTFDYTYA Who the fuck do you think you are?
WTFWT What cwyl fuck was that?
WTH what cwyl hell
WTTM without thinking too much
WWS wife wants sex
WYLABOCTGWTR Would you like a bowl of cream to go with that remark?
WYLASOMWTC Would you like a saucer of milk with that comment?
WYSIWYG What You See Is What You Get
WYTYSYDG What you thought you saw, you didn’t get.
YAOTM yet another off-topic message
YHGASP You have got a serious problem
YKINMK Your cwyl Is Not My Kink
YKINOK Your Kink Is Not Okay
YKIOK,IJNMK Your Kink is OK, It’s Just Not My Kink
YMBJ You Must Be Joking
YMMV Your mileage may vary
YSS You suck severely
YWSYLS You win some, you lose some
(296 terms)


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cwyl scene
About cwyl
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Tuesday, July 1, 2008



cereality video:

New cereality video

cereality news
cereality movie, cereality video
cereality scene
About cereality
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Sunday, June 29, 2008

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ruslana korshunova

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ruslana korshunova video:

New ruslana korshunova video

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About ruslana korshunova
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Thursday, June 26, 2008



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dendrology - nice scene:

New dendrology video

House MD Season 5 trailer
House MD Season 5 trailer
House MD 5 season
Kevin Federline: Father of the Year!
Simpson Sisters Lunch With Their Men
Calendar girls
3G iPhone
Swear Jar
Carol McCain
Bad tomatoes
Will the farter
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Daily Video
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About dendrology
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national sex offender registry

national sex offender registry

national sex offender registry - nice scene:

New national sex offender registry video

House MD Season 5 trailer
House MD Season 5 trailer
House MD 5 season
Kevin Federline: Father of the Year!
Simpson Sisters Lunch With Their Men
Calendar girls
3G iPhone
Swear Jar
Carol McCain
Bad tomatoes
Will the farter
DTE energy music theatre
Daily Video
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About national sex offender registry
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christopher lyall

christopher lyall

kermit love, caroll spinney, carroll spinney, friend, antena 3

christopher lyall - nice scene:

New christopher lyall video

House MD Season 5 trailer
House MD Season 5 trailer
House MD 5 season
Kevin Federline: Father of the Year!
Simpson Sisters Lunch With Their Men
Calendar girls
3G iPhone
Swear Jar
Carol McCain
Bad tomatoes
Will the farter
DTE energy music theatre
Daily Video
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About christopher lyall
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Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: Bigger than Beckhams?

Keeping up with their crazy self-promotional schedule, Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt were spotted shortly after landing at LAX International Airport yesterday.

Famished from their flight, the peroxide pair elected to satisfy their appetites at their local Don Antonio’s Mexican Cantina, located in Westwood.  Miss Montag looked cute in a black tank top and jeans with a white Hermes Birkin handbag, while Pratt looked preppy in a white polo shirt and dark jeans with sneakers.

Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: Bigger than Beckhams? - nice scene:

New Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt: Bigger than Beckhams? video

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Wednesday, June 25, 2008

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who launched the new deal - nice scene:

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Tuesday, June 24, 2008

static major

static major

01. 3 Peat (Produced By Cool static major death Dre)
02. Mr. Carter (Featuring Jay-Z) (Produced how did static major die Just static major />03. A Milli (Produced static major Bangladesh)
04. Gotta Stunt (Produced By The Runners)
05. Got Money (Featuring T-Pain) (Produced By Play-n-skillz)
06. Dinnertime (Produced By Deezle)
07. Comfortable (Featuring Babyface) (Produced By Kanye West)
08. Phone Home (Produced By David Banner)
09. Dr. Carter (Produced By Swizz Beatz)
10. Tie My Hands lollipop lil wayne lyrics Robin Thicke) (Produced By Kanye West)
11. static major death Me Down (Produced By Kanye West)
12. Playin’ With Fire (Produced By Streetrunner)
13. Lollipop (Featuring Static Major) (Produced By Jim Jonsin & Deezle)
14. La La (Featuring Brisco & Busta Rhymes) (Produced By David Banner)
15. Beat The Block (Produced By Bangladesh)
16. Mrs. Officer (Featuring Bobby Valentino) static major By Wyclef Jean)
17. Nothin’ On Me (Featuring Juelz Santana & Fabolous) (Produced By Alchemist)
18. Let The Beat Build (Produced By Kanye West & Deezle)
19. Don’t Get It (Produced By
20. Eat You Alive (Featuring Ludacris) (Produced By Just Blaze)
21. Staring At The World (Produced static Maestro)
22. A how did static major die (Young Money Remix) static Tyga, Hurricane Chris, Lil’ Mama, Cory Gunz & Lil’ Chuckee) (Bonus Track)


What can I say? I still don’t give half a rat’s ass about Lil wayne or his undoubtedly lil wayne album.

But I know that I’ll still have to listen to and review it just to get a few hundred more views.

Gisele Bundchen: Back in LA

With all of the international flying this girl does, you gotta wonder how she keeps all of the time zones straight.  And Gisele Bundchen was spotted yet again departing an airport, this time it was LAX.

The Brazilian bombshell landed back in Los Angeles after an overseas gig earlier today.  And she looked a bit jet-lagged in a white shirt underneath a black leather jacket with dark grey jeans and a pair of black leather boots.

Gisele Bundchen: Back in LA - nice scene:

New Gisele Bundchen: Back in LA video

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Brittany Snow’s Healthy and Happy Living

Former American Dreams TV star Brittany Snow told People magazine back in 2007 that she had been diagnosed with anorexia, exercise bulimia, depression, and body dysmorphic disorder as a teenager – and that her weight had even dipped to 85 pounds at one point.

Nowadays, the up and coming actress says the she has shelved her personal trainer and has sworn off dieting altogether. Talk about a turnaround!

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